An exceptional denarius of L. Pinarius Scarpus
Los 227
Octavian, 44-27 BC. Denarius (Silver, 19 mm, 4.30 g, 1 h), L. Pinarius Scarpus, moneyer. Cyrene, autumn 31. IMP•CAESARI - SCARPVS•IMP Right hand to left. Rev. DIVI•F / AVG•PONT Victory standing right on globe, holding wreath in her right hand and palm frond over her left shoulder. Babelon (Pinaria) 12 and (Julia) 142. BMC 689. Crawford 546/6. CRI 413. RBW 1855. RIC 534. Sydenham 1282. Lustrous and very well centered, an exceptional example of this historically interesting issue. Minor flan faults, otherwise, good extremely fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

As a nephew or great-nephew of Julius Caesar, L. Pinarius Scarpus supported the Caesarians after the Ides of March, commanding the baggage train that Mark Antony and Octavian left behind in Amphipolis prior to the decisive Battle of Philippi in 42 BC. We know nothing of his further career until 31 BC, when we find him in the position of governor of Cyrenaica, leading a strong garrison of four of Antony's legions. Following the Battle of Actium, the defeated Antony sent a message to Scarpus, urging him to join him with his four legions in Alexandria to continue the fight. Scarpus, however, had the envoy executed and sent word to Octavian that he would join his cause, while striking coins with an open hand as a gesture of peace towards Caesar's triumphant adoptive son. Octavian graciously accepted Scarpus' defection from Antony, leaving him in office until at least 27 BC.
2500 CHF
2000 CHF
5500 CHF
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